Integrated Sustainable Urban Development and Governance:
In search of a simple model
A strategy means evolution, long term vision and targets.
Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines: MEP, member of the Urban Intergroup
Andrea Mairate: Head of Unit Spain, European Commission, DG Regio
Jan Olbrycht: MEP, President of the Urban Intergroup
Lambert van Nistelrooij: MEP, Vice -president of the Urban Intergroup and Coordinator of the Regional development group REGI
Pedro Ballesteros: International Relations Officer, European Commission, DG Energy
Wladyslaw Piskorz: Head of Unit Competence Centre Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development, European Commission, DG Regio
Christian Svanfeldt: Policy Analyst Centre Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development, European Commission, DG Regio
Mario Aymerich: Director, Environment and Regional Development, Projects Directorate, European Investment Bank
Antonio Borghi: Architect, Chairman of the Work Group Urban Issues of the Architects’ Council of Europe, Italy
Josep Parcerisa Bundo: Architect and Professor of Urban Planning at ETSAB – School of Architecture of Barcelona, Spain
Hans Schlappa: Director of Leadership and Strategic Management in Public Services at Hertfordshire University, United Kingdom
Peter Ramsden: URBACT Thematic Pole Manager, United Kingdom
Laura Hagemann Arellano: Programme Assistant, EU Policy, European Commission, DG Regio
Michèle Sanglier: Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Ars Civilis Foundation